Magnetic field meter MP-1000

Spare hall probe

Switchable socket

Instruction light demagnetization

Adapter cable pole shoe cable jack 120 mm²

Adapter cable pole shoe cable jack 95 mm²

6 m cable 120 mm²

6 m cable 95 mm²

4 m cable 120 mm² with plug screw clamp with Cu rail

4 m cable 120 mm² with plug-socket

4 m cable 95 mm² with plug screw clamp with Cu rail

4 m cable 95 mm² with plug-socket

Extension of cable length of MR® 56 / MR® 56V110

Extension of cable length of MR® 50 / MR® 51V110

Special cloth (low-lint)

Rubber powder applicator

Pressure pump sprayer 1.5 L | Grey button

Pressure pump sprayer 1.5 L | Blue button

Pump sprayer 1,5 L

Pump sprayer 1 L

Hand sprayer 0,75 L

Leather holder for aerosol cans

Cu-cushion for magnetic electrode

Magnet electrode extra strong

Isolating transformer 42~ V für MR® 50/56V42

Isolating transformer 42~ V für MR® 51V42

Articulation piece for articulated poles for MR® 56 / MR® 56V42 / MR® 56V110

Articulation piece for articulated poles MR® 50 / MR® 50V42 / MR® 51V110

Contact poles for MR® 56 / MR® 56V42 / MR® 56V110

Contact Poles for MR® 50 / MR® 50V42 / MR® 51V110

Poles 45° for MR® 56 / MR® 56V42 / MR® 56V110

Poles 45° for MR® 50 / MR® 50V42 / MR® 51V110

Standard tables for penetrant testing according to EN ISO 3452

QPP 2-Circuit current pulse generators

ASTM centrifuge tube

Steel plate C45

Air-/Water pistol 26/LR

Spray gun PN 2A with beaker

M-Air-Electronic low-pressure paint sprayer

Residual Field Meter Magnetoscope

Magnetic field indicator type A and type G

Magnetic field indicator acc. to ASTM E-709 (Pie Gauge)

Test body acc. to Prof. Berthold

ASTM test block

TAM-Panels – “full-grit” & “polished” for functional control of the complete penetrant process

Test-Block, magnetized

Reference block type 2

Reference block type 1 (MTU No. 3)

Reference Test Block JIS Z2343

Reference test block 2

Reference test block 1

Luxmeter Type LX1330B

MR® 454 UVA/Lux Check measuring instrument

Magnetic Field strenght meter MFM 200

MR® 56V110 Hand yoke 110 V

MR® 51V110 Hand yoke 110 V

MR® 56V42 Hand yoke 42 V

MR® 56 Hand yoke 230 V

MR ® 50V42 Hand Yoke 42 V

MR® 50 Hand yoke 230 V