Penetrant testing, colored or fluorescent?

At MR Chemie, we offer numerous alternatives with our wide range of product families for many applications, whether colored or fluorescent.
Optimising 3D scanning results with Reflecon 3D scanning sprays: Best practices

MR Chemie GmbH’s Reflecon 3D scanning sprays are key tools for achieving precise and detailed scanning results at high speed.
Overview of aids in the field of penetrant and magnetic particle testing

Many users of penetrant and magnetic particle testing techniques use various tools daily to carry out their work safely and in accordance with standards. However, there are also a few inspectors who are either unaware of their existence or how they work. In this article, we would like to provide you with a brief overview of the most used tools.
“Contrasts” – choosing the right contrast paint for the Magnetic Particle Daylight Inspection

The main criterion for deciding to use a background color is usually insufficient contrast formation between the workpiece surface to be tested and the magnetic particles in the test equipment used. However, as is often the case in NDT, it is precisely these contrasts that enable us to reliably evaluate our tests. So what else is there to say about contrast paint? Quite a lot!
Reflecon TopoTrack – 2 in 1 Scanningspray

The Reflecon TopoTrack 2in1 scanning spray was developed to significantly minimise the process time of a 3D scan. The process time is not only reduced by eliminating the need to stick on and remove reference points, but also because you can guide your scanner over the object much faster.
Safe working

There are many aspects such as storage, handling (including transportation if necessary), but also the disposal of test equipment. Safety data sheets must also first be understood in order to ensure safe handling of test equipment. Ideally, it is better tob e safe than sorry.
Piccolo pen – Tested for cracks with a pen

Our pocket-sized penetrant system is the ideal solution when only small areas need to be inspected, the environment does not allow for contamination or known areas need to be inspected quickly.
“Work smart not hard“

The inspection with a hand magnet, especially in fluorescent crack testing, often presents a challenge to operational processes due to resulting waiting times in production. Additionally, the operation of the three essential components – hand magnet, testing material, and UV light – usually requires two hands constantly switching.
Application and layer thicknesses of REFLECON 3D scanning spray

The ideal application is a homogeneous matting layer and a compromise between various requirements: Necessary layer thickness, necessary sublimation time, measurement uncertainty of the scanner and software.