As a responsible manufacturer, we would like to inform you about a significant change regarding our products that will come into force on January 01, 2024.

According to the latest legislation, UFI (Unique Formula Identifier) codes must now be included on all Safety Data Sheets (SDS). The UFI code serves as a unique formula identifier and helps to accurately identify a hazardous mixture to enable faster first response by the poison control center. This measure aims to further improve safety in the handling of chemical products and ensure effective protection for people and the environment.

As your trusted supplier, we will also affix the corresponding UFI codes to our product labels. This additional measure enables you to see the relevant information about a product at a glance and contributes to safety and transparency when handling our products.

As we currently still have a stock of labels that were produced before the introduction of this new requirement, the changeover to labels with the UFI codes will take place gradually and as part of our normal stock management.

We understand that such changes may require adjustments and will be happy to clarify any questions you may have.

We thank you for your trust in our products and look forward to continuing to supply you with high-quality products in the future.

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